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Intern.Camp – a platform for short-term internships (our latest project)

An important goal for us at Bloco is to work on internal projects alongside our client work. And although we specialise in Android, not all problems are solved with an app.

Staying close to to the student community is one of our missions. Many participants of our trainings are University students, for example. Plus, we have been collaborating with the Nest summer internships. And we noticed more companies hosting short-term internships for students as well.

So in April 2017, during a hackathon at Nest, we started working on Intern.Camp, together with Mário and Rafaela. Intern.Camp is a platform to connect University students to curated short-term internships.

This is a space that will continue to grow. Students find university education detached from the industry. They want to learn the skills required by companies. And they want to experiment with different roles before deciding what job they want. On the other side, it’s harder for companies to hire modern workers. They need to be involved with the student community as early as possible to avoid losing touch.

With an MVP, during 2017 we featured 14 internships from 6 companies from Coimbra. In 2018 we want to expand the platform further, and reach more companies and students. We partnered with jeKnowledge, a junior company from the University of Coimbra, to help us on the student's front.

For now, our goal is to raise awareness in the student community. So we're hosting mentoring sessions called Intern.Hours. The plan is to get students in touch with people from the industry. Get them speaking with potential mentors, from recent employees to business owners.

Know more about it at

And if your company is planning to do a short-term internship, get in touch and join